So for the past some day i have been trying to find some project ideas. In my mind the project should be something that people around me can use and especially me.
Given that i went over multiple sources to find project ideas including product hunt and the ProjectBook (this helped alot). After going through these sources i was got three ideas
- A social media website
- A forum
- A journaling/note taking or management app
Now one thing is clear that the app must first be something that I , myself would like to use or even need to use. Now i know my self and i am a big user of my phone’s notes app for brainstorming and normal notes or daily todos , it serves pretty well although it has it’s limitations
Firstly i would love to store todos in form of voice mail as it is just direct way to get the message through to myself at anytime i read them.
Then secondly there is no way to add daily notes and it is not sufficent for taking notes for lets say classes or school probably. Now there is a tool called obsidian and that was part of inspiration for me to think on this idea. This idea would help me get the to use the drizzle orm with turso and nextjs , as i have been trying to learn drizzle and try out turso db (it is a great online solution for sqlite). Although somewhere deep down i dont feel this would be really meaningful and that brings me to the forum project.
So for the forum the idea is simple , have a website with a database (turso) and clear user interface ,this would allow the users to escentially write queries and questions (just like quora) and other users can answer the questions this i think can be a project that i can even show to my school management as a platform for students to clear there doubts althought i still remain with one more idea , THE SOCIAL MEDIA WEBSITE
Now this is not anything special to me unless i really target for features like following and feeds and stuff etc. But the thing is i wanna make the project and not just decide to learn to do a backflip and not even finish my walking lesson , meaning i fear leaving the project in the middle for Allah knows what reasons so i think it would be better working on something then just procastinating on the idea of the next facebook.
So for now the idea is to make a forum or a quora like web app whatever u wanna call it so lets see and i would keep you updated in the up coming blogposts.